Full form of RAM and ROM

The full form of RAM and ROM is –

RAM stands for Random Access Memory.

The full Form of ROM is Read Only Memory.

RAM full form in Hindi

RAM का फ़ुल फ़ॉर्म “रैंडम एक्सेस मेमोरी” है. इसे “डायरेक्ट एक्सेस मेमोरी” भी कहा जाता है.

DDR RAM full form

DDR-RAM stands for Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory.

Introduction on RAM

RAM – Random-access memory

RAM (Random Access Memory) Random access memory- RAM memory is made from electronic parts. Any electronic part can work only as long as the electronic supply is on.

If the electric supply is switched off, the part stops working. Information stored in a computer’s memory can only be used as long as the current is flowing.

This information is completely erased when the power is turned off. That is why this memory is called temporary memory (Volatile Memory).

For example, if the light goes out when you are halfway through typing a letter, the typed text may be completely erased.

To avoid this risk, we store the inputted information in Auxiliary or Secondary i.e. Permanent Memory i.e. save it. We can retrieve this stored information at any time.

Introduction on ROM


Read-only memory (ROM) stores information on chips from the manufacturer itself.

It is said that Even if the computer is turned off, the information in the memory is not erased.

ROM chips like Random access memory chips are not temporary and cannot be changed by users.

‘Read-only’ means that the data and programs written on the ROM chip can only be read by the CPU. Or can take it back? (Retrieve).

If something happens, we will write and encode information or instructions in the computer ROM that cannot be changed. ROM chips contain special instructions specifically for computer operations.

E.g. ROM instructions are needed when a computer starts up. Needs to handle memory access and basic keyboard input.

Difference between RAM and ROM

Feature Random access memory ROM
Full Name Random Access Memory Read-Only Memory
Purpose Temporary data storage Permanent data storage
Data Storage Stores data and programs temporarily while the device is powered on. Contains essential software instructions or firmware that are permanently written during manufacturing.
Read/Write Capability Read and write data. Data can be changed or updated as needed. Read-only, meaning data cannot be altered or updated once programmed.
Volatility Volatile memory – Data is lost when the power is turned off or the device is reset. Non-volatile memory – Data remains intact even when the power is turned off or the device is reset.
Functionality Stores data that the CPU (Central Processing Unit) actively uses for running applications and processes. Holds the software required for booting up the device and controlling its basic functions.
Accessibility Data can be accessed and modified quickly, making it suitable for tasks like running applications, multitasking, and temporary data storage. Data is accessible but cannot be modified, typically used for booting up the device and storing firmware.
Capacity Typically has a smaller capacity compared to Read-only memory. Generally has a larger capacity to accommodate the firmware and essential software.
Examples Types include DDR4, DDR5, LPDDR4, etc. Examples include BIOS, firmware, system software, and game cartridges in older gaming consoles.

Technologies of RAM

Random access memory Technology Introduction Year Description
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) 1967 An early form of Random access memory, commonly used in the past, is slower and requires constant refreshing.
SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) 1960s Faster and more stable than DRAM, used in caches and for fast data storage.
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) The early 1990s Synchronized with the system clock for faster data transfer, common in older PCs.
DDR (Double Data Rate SDRAM) Late 1990s Doubles data transfer rates compared to SDRAM, found in early 2000s PCs.
DDR2 2003 Improved version of DDR Random access memory, offering even faster data transfer rates.
DDR3 2007 Enhanced DDR2 with increased speed and lower power consumption.
DDR4 2014 Improved performance and efficiency over DDR3, used in modern PCs and laptops.
DDR5 2020 The latest standard provides even faster data transfer speeds and better power efficiency.
LPDDR (Low Power DDR) The early 2000s Optimized for mobile devices, offering lower power consumption, with versions like LPDDR3, LPDDR4, and LPDDR5.

Types of RAM

RAM is basically of two types
1) Static Random access memory
2) Dynamic Random access memory

1. Static RAM

  • Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is a type of Random access memory that holds data in static form that is as long as the memory has power.
  • It does not need to be refreshed.
  • This makes static Random access memory significantly faster than dynamic Random access memory.
  • Each bit is stored on four transistors that form two cross-coupled inverters.
  • To store one memory bit it requires six metal-oxide-semiconductor fields-effect
  • MOFSET is one of the two types of static Random access memory chips. the other is the bipolar junction transistor.
  • static memory cell takes up a lot more space on a chip than a dynamic memory cell. This makes Static RAM more expensive than DRAM.

2. Dynamic Random access memory

  • DRAM is called dynamic because it must constantly be refreshed and lose the data in a very short time.
  • DRAM stores each bit of data in a separate passive electronic component that is inside an integrated circuit board.
  • The stored information on the capacitors tends to lose over a period of time and thus the capacitors must be periodically recharged to retain their usage.
  • The main memory is generally made up of DRAM chips.

Difference between SRAM and DROM

Feature SRAM (Static RAM) DROM (Dynamic ROM)
Full Name Static Random Access Memory Dynamic Read-Only Memory
Volatility Volatile – Loses data when power is turned off. Non-volatile – Data remains intact even when power is off.
Data Storage Stores data temporarily, used as working memory. Contains permanent data or firmware that is read-only.
Read/Write Capability With both read and write capabilities, data can be changed or updated. Read-only, data cannot be altered or updated.
Speed Faster access times, suitable for high-speed data retrieval. Slower access times compared to SRAM.
Usage Commonly used in caches, CPU registers, and for fast data storage. Typically used for storing firmware and essential software.
Technology Utilizes flip-flop gates to store data. Utilizes capacitors to store and read data.
Power Consumption Generally higher power consumption compared to DROM. Lower power consumption, making it suitable for battery-powered devices.
Examples L1, L2 caches in CPUs use SRAM. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) in computers uses DROM.

History of RAM

  • Random access memory was invented by Robert Heath Dennard.
  • At IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in 1968.
  • In the 1980s: Static RAM (SRAM) emerged, providing even faster and more stable memory.
  • In the 1990s: Synchronous Dynamic Random access memory (SDRAM) became popular, synchronized with the computer’s clock for speed.
  • Early 2000s: DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM improved data transfer rates, leading to DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4.
  • 2020s: DDR5 Random access memory was introduced, offering even faster speeds and better efficiency.
  • Throughout: Random access memory evolved to provide faster access to data, more storage capacity, and improved performance, becoming a crucial component in modern computing devices.

Capacity of RAM

  • It determines how much data your computer can work with at once.
  • The capacity is measured in gigabytes (GB).
  • From the beginning versions of Random access memory are 256 MB,512 MB,1024 MB (1GB),2048 MB (2GB), etc.
  • Note: Here every time the size of Random access memory increased by multiplying twice.
  • More Random access memory allows you to run more applications and handle larger files.
  • 4GB is basic for everyday tasks, while 8GB or 16GB is good for multitasking and light gaming.
  • For heavy tasks like video editing or gaming, 32GB or more is ideal.

Top 5 Advantages of RAM

  1. Speed: Random access memory is super-fast, allowing your computer to access data quickly and run applications smoothly.
  2. Multitasking: It enables you to have multiple programs open at the same time without slowing down your computer.
  3. Temporary Storage: Random access memory acts like your computer’s workspace, holding data for immediate use, and making tasks more efficient.
  4. Real-Time Changes: You can read from and write to Random access memory in an instant, which is crucial for tasks like editing documents, playing games, and browsing the web.
  5. Performance Boost: Having enough Random access memory can significantly boost your computer’s overall performance and responsiveness.

 5 Limitations of RAM

  1. Limited Capacity: Random access memory can store data temporarily, but it has a finite capacity. Once it’s full, your computer may slow down.
  2. Volatile: a power outage will cause irrecoverable data loss.
  3. Speed: While Random access memory is faster than other storage options like hard drives, it’s still not as quick as the CPU. This can create a bottleneck in processing speed.
  4. Cost: More Random access memory can be expensive. Upgrading to larger capacities can be a costly investment.
  5. Data Accessibility: Data in Random access memory is only accessible when your computer is powered on. You can’t access it when the computer is off or in hibernation.

The Right Amount of RAM

RAM Amount What it Means Recommended Usage
4GB Basic Web browsing, email, basic tasks.
8GB Standard Everyday use, light multitasking.
16GB Enhanced Multitasking, moderate gaming, content creation.
32GB High Performance Heavy multitasking, professional work, gaming.
64GB and more Specialized Specialized tasks, and professional workstations.

What is a Cache Memory?

1. Cache memory is fast memory that serves as a buffer between the processor and main memory.

2. It’s designed to store frequently used information that your computer needs to access fast.

3. The cache holds data that was recently used by the processor and saves a trip all the way back to slower main memory.

What is ROM?

1. ROM holds programs and data permanently even when the computer is switched off.

2. Read-only memory (ROM) is a type of storage medium that permanently stores data on personal computers(PCs) and other electronic devices.

3. It is a type of internal memory.

4. The CPU cannot easily write information into ROM, it is generally programmed upon manufacture with particular data. A program will be stored on the ROM, the CPU will read the ROM and carry out tasks. dictated by the data it reads.

History of ROM

The simplest type of solid-state ROM is as old as semiconductor technology. Combinational logic gates can be manually added to map n-bit address inputs to arbitrary values of m-bit data outputs (a look-up table). With the invention of the integrated circuit came mask ROM.

  1. The PROM, invented in 1956, allowed users to program its contents exactly once by physically altering its structure with the application of a high-voltage pulse.
  2. The invention of the EPROM in 1971 essentially solved Problem 3, because the EPROM could be repeatedly reset to its unprogrammed state by exposure to strong ultraviolet light.
  3. EEPROM was invented in 1983, which greatly helped solve Problem 4 because EEPROM can be programmed in place if the device containing it provides a means of obtaining the program material from an external source.
  4. Flash memory, invented at Toshiba in the mid-1980s and commercialized in the early 1990s, is a form of EEPROM that makes very efficient use of chip area and can be stored for thousands of years without loss. Bars can be erased and reprogrammed.

All of these technologies improved the flexibility of ROM but at a significant, per-chip cost.

Types of ROM

1)MROM- Mask read-only memory.
2)PROM – Programmable Read-Only Memory
3)EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
4)EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
5)EAROM – Electrically Alterable read-only memory.
6)NAND ROM – NAND Flash is a type of non-volatile storage technology.


To produce Mask ROM (MROM) chips, integrated circuits(ICs) are masked during the
design phase of the semiconductor fabrication process.

mask read-only memory(ROM) is a cost-effective alternative to programmable read-only memory(PROM).


This form of ROM is initially blank. The user or manufacturer can write data/program
on it by using special devices.

However, once the program or data is written in the PROM chip, it cannot be changed.


This form of ROM is also initially blank.
The user or manufacturer can write programs or data on it by using special devices.
New data can also be added.
when EPROM is in use, its contents can only be read.


Storing Data: EEPROM is a type of computer memory that can store information even when the power is turned off, similar to traditional ROM.

Rewritable: What makes it special is that it can also be rewritten or updated electrically, unlike traditional ROM, which is permanently set during manufacturing.

Common Uses: EEPROM is used in devices like USB drives, memory cards, and BIOS chips to save important data and configurations.

Examples: EEPROM is often found in settings where data needs to be retained and updated, such as saving your computer’s settings or storing photos on a digital camera.


Type of Memory: EAROM is a special type of computer memory.

Read-Only Yet Alterable: It’s similar to regular ROM (Read-Only Memory), which stores data that doesn’t change. However, EAROM can be altered or updated electrically.

Data Storage: EAROM is used to store important data or settings, like BIOS information in computers.

Rewritable: What sets it apart is that it can be rewritten without replacing the memory chip, making it convenient for storing and updating data.

Examples: EAROM can be found in devices where non-volatile (data remains even when power is off) memory needs to be updated occasionally, such as in some early computer systems.


This is a modern type of EEPROM invented in 1984. Flash memory can be erased and rewritten faster than normal EEPROM and newer designs have much greater endurance.

Modern NAND flash makes efficient use of silicon chip area, resulting in individual ICs with capacities up to 32 GB available as of 2007.

This feature, along with its endurance and physical durability, has allowed NAND flash to replace magnetic in some applications (such as USB flash drives).

Flash memory is sometimes called flash ROM or flash EEPROM when used as a replacement for older ROM types, but not in applications that take advantage of its ability to be modified quickly and frequently.

Top 5 advantages of ROM

  1. Stability: Data stored in ROM is permanent and doesn’t get erased, ensuring stability and reliability.
  2. Boot-Up Instructions: ROM holds essential instructions for a device to start up, like your computer’s BIOS, ensuring proper functioning.
  3. Data Security: Because it’s read-only, ROM is immune to viruses and malware, making it a secure place to store critical information.
  4. Longevity: ROM can last a long time without degradation, making it suitable for preserving important data for years.
  5. Firmware Updates: It allows for firmware updates to improve device performance and add new features without replacing hardware.


1) What is RAM, and what does it do?

Ans-> RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is a type of computer memory that temporarily stores data that the computer is actively using. It allows the CPU to access and work with data quickly, making your computer run faster.

2) How much RAM do I need for my computer or device?

Ans-> The amount of RAM you need depends on your usage. For basic tasks like web browsing and word processing, 4-8GB may suffice. For gaming or professional work, 16GB or more is recommended. More RAM enables better multitasking and faster performance.

3) Can I upgrade or add more RAM to my computer or device?

Ans-> In many cases, yes, you can upgrade or add more RAM to your computer. However, it depends on the device’s design and compatibility. It’s a common and effective way to improve a computer’s performance, but it’s best to consult the device’s manual or a technician for guidance.

4) What is ROM, and what is its purpose?

Ans-> ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. It is a type of computer memory that stores data or instructions permanently. Its main purpose is to hold essential software and firmware needed to start and operate a device, such as BIOS in computers.

5) Can you change or update data in ROM?

Ans-> No, data stored in traditional ROM cannot be changed or updated. It is a non-volatile memory, meaning it retains information even when the power is off. To update data in ROM, you’d need specialized equipment or newer types of ROM like EEPROM or Flash memory.

6) Where is ROM used, and why is it important?

Ans-> ROM is used in various electronic devices, from computers and gaming consoles to smartphones and embedded systems. It’s crucial because it provides permanent, stable storage for critical software and data that must not be altered, ensuring the proper functioning of the device.

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