PC Full Form

PC Full Form

PC Full Form Personal computer
Category Computer

Introduction of PC

The PC full form is a Personal Computer.

P  –> Personal

C –> Computer

PC stands for “Personal Computer” But what does that really mean? Well, it’s a bit like having your very own magical electronic friend, only it’s not exactly alive, but it sure does some amazing things.

A personal computer is a computer that can perform all of its inputs, output, processing, and storage activities by itself.

Imagine having a special machine that can do all sorts of tasks right at your command. It’s your loyal companion for work, entertainment, and learning.

This machine is called a “Personal Computer” because it’s designed for your personal use, just like your favorite toy or a diary where you keep your secrets.

Your Personal Computer can think really fast, it can remember things, and it can even talk to other computers around the world. You might have seen one as a desktop computer with a screen and a keyboard, a laptop you can carry around, or even a tablet that you can touch with your fingers. They all share the same PC magic, just in different shapes and sizes.

Types of PC

Here are various types of PCs explained below.

Desktop PCs – The Stationary Workhorses

Imagine a desktop PC as the big, sturdy workbench in your digital workshop. These computers are usually placed on a desk and come with a separate monitor, keyboard, and mouse. They’re powerful and great for tasks that need lots of processing muscle, like video editing, gaming, or complex office work.

Laptops – Your Portable Pal

Laptops are like your trusty, go-anywhere companions. They’re more compact and have everything built into a single, foldable device. You can carry them around and work from pretty much anywhere – your cozy bed, a coffee shop, or even on an airplane. They’re perfect for students, professionals, and anyone who’s always on the move.

Tablets – The Touchscreen Wonders

Tablets are like the cool sketchbooks of the digital world. They’re usually smaller, super lightweight, and have touchscreen displays. You can use your fingers or a stylus to interact with them. Tablets are perfect for reading e-books, watching videos, or sketching your artistic masterpieces.

All-in-One PCs – Space-Saving Sleekness

Imagine an all-in-one Personal Computer as a super-slim TV that’s also a computer. They have a sleek design with all the computer parts hidden behind the monitor. They save space and look neat on your desk. These are great for everyday tasks, office work, or simply surfing the internet.

Gaming PCs – Powerhouse Playmates

Gaming PCs are like the superhero version of regular computers. They are designed for one thing: playing games, and they do it incredibly well. These computers have top-notch graphics cards and processors to make your games look stunning and run smoothly.

Ultrabooks – The Lightweight Champions

Ultrabooks are like the sleek sports cars of laptops. They are super slim, lightweight, and have long battery life. They’re ideal for those who want a powerful laptop that’s also easy to carry around.

Hybrid PCs – The Shape-Shifters

Hybrid PCs are like Transformers. They can change from a laptop to a tablet and back again. You can detach the keyboard or flip the screen around to use them in different ways. They give you the best of both worlds.

Old and new models of PC

See how old and new PC models compare.

Old Models – 

Think of old PC models as classic cars from the past. They might not be as fast or flashy as modern sports cars, but they hold a special charm. These vintage PCs were the pioneers, the ones that started it all.

Here are a few things listed below –

  • Limited Power: Old PCs had much less processing power and memory compared to today’s models. They were like the old cars that puttered along but got the job done.
  • Big and Bulky: They were often large and heavy, taking up a lot of space on your desk, just like those old classic cars that were big and robust.
  • Monochrome Screens: Most of them had monochrome (black and white) screens, which is a bit like old movies being in black and white. They did the job, but they weren’t very colorful.
  • No Internet: Old PCs had no internet or a very slow, dial-up connection. It’s like comparing a snail’s pace to a race car when it comes to internet speed.

New Models –

Now, think of new Personal Computer models as sleek, modern cars with all the latest tech. These are like the futuristic cars you see in sci-fi movies.

Here’s what makes them special defined below –

  • Super Speed: New PCs are incredibly fast. It’s like going from a bicycle to a rocket ship. They can handle everything from high-end gaming to video editing with ease.
  • Slim and Stylish: They’re often slim and stylish, like a sports car. They look cool and don’t take up too much space. Some even have super-thin screens.
  • Vibrant Screens: New PCs have colorful, high-definition screens. It’s as if you’ve moved from an old black-and-white TV to a massive, crystal-clear movie theater screen.
  • High-Speed Internet: These PCs come with lightning-fast internet connections. You can download movies, stream videos, and video chat with friends as if they were right next to you.

History of personal computer

The first personal computer was the Apple II which was designed by Apple Computer in 1977.

Furthermore, personal computers have so many types according to so many types according to needs.

Part of personal computer – personal computer contains a Processor, memory, and one or more input, output, and storage devices.

PC parts

1) Motherboard
2) CPU
3) RAM
4) Power supply
5) Hard disk drive(HDD)
6) Compact Disc Drive (CDD R/W)

What is Motherboard?

  • This is the main printed circuit board inside the computer.
  • Internal components are installed in it.
  • Enables all computer parts to be connected together.
  • It’s a big circuit board that holds all the important parts together, like the CPU, RAM, and storage.
  • Think of it as the computer’s backbone. It connects everything and makes sure they can talk to each other, a bit like how nerves connect different parts of your body.
  • The common types of motherboards are –
  • 1) AT (Advance Technology)
  • 2) ATX (Advance Technology Extended).

What is the CPU?

  • Central Processing Unit.
  • It is the brain of the computer.
  • Contains Control Unit & Arithmetic Logic Unit.
  • Controls internal and external parts.
  • It’s the part that does all the thinking and calculations.
  • When you click a button or run a program, the CPU is what makes it happen.
  • It works really fast, just like your brain when you’re solving a puzzle.
  • The CPU is at the heart of your computer, making sure everything runs smoothly.

What is RAM?

  • Random Access Memory
  • It is a temporary storage (short term).
  • Support the CPU to process the instructions and data quickly.
  • When you’re working on your computer, it stores the data and programs you’re using right now.
  • But as soon as you turn off your computer, it forgets everything, just like when you wake up from a dream, and it fades away.
  • Types of RAM –
  • DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) – This is like a whiteboard where your computer temporarily writes and erases data as it works. It’s fast but needs to be refreshed constantly, just like remembering things on a whiteboard, but the ink fades unless you rewrite it.
  • SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) – SRAM is more like sticky notes that your computer uses for quick access to important information. It’s faster and doesn’t need constant refreshing, but it’s more expensive and used in smaller amounts.

Need more in information about RAM click here : Full form of RAM and ROM

What is a Power Supply?

  • A power supply is like the energy source for your computer.
  • It takes electricity from your wall and converts it into a form your computer can use.
  • It’s a bit like a translator, making sure your computer gets the right kind of power to run smoothly.
  • So, it’s the unsung hero that keeps your PC powered up and ready to go.

Hard disk drive(HDD)

  • A Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is like your computer’s long-term memory.
  • It’s a storage device that can hold lots of data, like photos, videos, and software.
  • Think of it as a big filing cabinet where your computer stores things for the long haul.
  • Unlike RAM (short-term memory), the data on an HDD stays even when you turn off your computer.
  • It’s a bit slower to access than newer storage types like SSDs but can store much more.

Compact Disc Drive (CDD R/W)

  • A Compact Disc Drive (CD/DVD R/W) is like a music or movie player for your computer.
  • It can read and write data on CDs and DVDs, like playing songs or burning files onto discs.
  • It’s not as commonly used today because of USB drives and digital downloads.
  • Think of it as an old-school jukebox that reads and writes discs.

Accessories and Software for PC


Accessories are like the cool gadgets and toys that make your PC experience awesome. They’re like the special toppings on your favorite pizza. Here are a few essential ones:

  1. Mouse and Keyboard: These are your tools to communicate with your PC. The mouse helps you move a pointer on the screen, while the keyboard lets you type words and commands.
  2. Monitor: Think of the monitor as your PC’s window to the digital world. It displays everything, from cute cat videos to your school assignments.
  3. Speakers and Headphones: These are like the magic ears of your PC. They bring sound to your games, movies, and music. You can use speakers to share with friends or put on headphones for a private audio party.
  4. Webcam: It’s like the magical eye on top of your PC. It lets you see and talk to your friends and family over the Internet, making you feel closer, even when you’re far away.
  5. Printer: Your printer is like a magical copy machine. It takes digital stuff from your PC and turns it into real, paper copies.
  6. External Hard Drive: Imagine this as your PC’s closet. It stores extra stuff when your PC’s storage is full, like photos, videos, or important documents.
  7. Game Controllers: If you’re into gaming, these are your magic wands. They help you control characters and make those in-game moves.


Software is like the secret sauce that makes your PC do amazing things. They are the apps and programs that turn your PC into a versatile magician. Here are some common types of software:

  1. Operating System: It’s like the PC’s brain and heart combined. Windows, macOS, and Linux are some of the popular operating systems. They make everything work and help you run other software.
  2. Web Browsers: These are like the magic doors to the internet. Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are your tour guides to explore the web.
  3. Word Processors and Spreadsheets: Imagine these as your digital notebooks and calculators. They help you write essays, create documents, and crunch numbers.
  4. Photo and Video Editors: These are like magical paintbrushes. You can use them to edit photos, make videos, and let your creative side shine.
  5. Antivirus Software: They’re like your PC’s magical armor. They protect your PC from nasty digital bugs and viruses.
  6. Games and Entertainment Apps: These are your fun and adventure companions. They help you play games, watch movies, and listen to music.
  7. Social Media Apps: They’re like magical teleports to connect with friends and share your thoughts, pictures, and videos with the world.

Importance of pc

Learning and Education –

PCs are like a window to a world of knowledge. They help you with schoolwork, research, and online courses. You can explore the universe, learn new languages, or study history, all with the help of your PC.

Work and Business –

In the business world, PCs are like superheroes. They help with everything from creating documents and spreadsheets to sending emails and video conferences. They make work more efficient and help people connect from anywhere.

Communication –

PCs are like your magical talking device. You can chat with friends and family through text, voice, or video calls. They bring people closer, no matter how far apart they are.

Entertainment and Creativity –

Your PC is your portal to a world of fun. You can play games, watch movies, or listen to music. It’s also a canvas for your creativity, whether you’re into art, music, or writing.

Information Access –

PCs are like your library that never closes. You can look up anything you want to know. From cooking recipes to DIY projects or solving a math problem – it’s all at your fingertips.

Staying Organized –

PCs help you keep your life in order. You can create to-do lists, manage your schedule, and even set reminders. They’re like your personal digital assistant.

Connecting with the World –

The internet, which you access through your PC, is like a global village. You can explore different cultures, read news from around the world, and share your thoughts with people everywhere.

Problem Solving –

PCs are fantastic problem solvers. They can help scientists find cures, engineers design new inventions and even help you figure out how to fix your bicycle.

Innovation and Creativity –

With PCs, you can design new games, create amazing art, write novels, and make music. They are the tools of creativity and innovation.

Personal Growth – 

PCs provide endless opportunities for personal growth. Whether you want to learn a new skill, start a blog, or launch a business, your PC is your launchpad.

PC other full forms with the category

PC full form in computer science

Full Form Meaning
Personal Computer (PC) A desktop or laptop computer for personal use.
Program Counter (PC) A register in a CPU that indicates the current instruction’s address.
Process Control In industrial and manufacturing settings, it refers to controlling machines and processes.
Parental Control Software or features used to restrict content for children on the internet.
Professional Corporation A legal business structure is often used by licensed professionals.

pc full form in medical

Full Form Meaning
Post Cibum Latin for “after a meal,” is often used in medical contexts to indicate timing or instructions.
Plasma Cell A type of white blood cell is important for immune responses.
Primary Care The first point of contact for healthcare typically involves general practitioners.


Full Form Meaning
Police Constable A rank in some police organizations, like in the United Kingdom.
Piece Often used in commerce and trade for counting items.
Political Correctness Refers to language or policies designed to avoid offending or marginalizing certain groups.
Printed Circuit In electronics, it refers to a printed circuit board used in many devices.

Drawback of PC

  1. Costly Investment –

    • PCs can be expensive, especially if you want a high-performance model.
    • Additional costs come from software, accessories, and maintenance.
    • It’s like buying a fancy bicycle when a regular one might do.
  2. Complexity –

    • PCs can sometimes be tricky to set up and troubleshoot.
    • Dealing with software updates and technical issues can be frustrating.
    • It’s like having a puzzle that occasionally needs solving.
  3. Maintenance Required –

    • PCs need regular updates, virus protection, and sometimes repairs.
    • Keeping your Personal Computer running smoothly takes effort and time.
    • It’s similar to maintaining a car; it needs care and attention.
  4. Not Very Portable –

    • Most PCs are not as easy to carry around as laptops or tablets.
    • If you need to work or play on the go, a Personal Computer might not be the best choice.
    • It’s like having a big TV that you can’t take with you on vacation.
  5. Energy Consumption –

    • PCs use electricity, and running them continuously can increase your energy bills.
    • They also contribute to environmental concerns due to power consumption.
    • It’s like leaving the lights on in your house all day, which isn’t very eco-friendly.


  1. What is the difference between a PC and a laptop?

    • Personal Computer, short for “Personal Computer,” is a broad term that includes both desktop computers and laptops. The key difference is that a desktop Personal Computer stays in one place, usually on a desk, while a laptop is portable and can be carried around.
    • Laptops have the keyboard, monitor, and all components built into a single device, while PCs typically have separate components.
  2. Why is my PC slow, and how can I make it faster?

    • PCs can slow down over time due to various reasons like too many running programs, cluttered storage, or outdated hardware.
    • To make it faster, you can close unused programs, delete unnecessary files, and consider adding more RAM or switching to a solid-state drive (SSD). Regular maintenance, like software updates and antivirus scans, can also help keep your Personal Computer speedy.
  3. What’s the difference between RAM and storage on a PC?

    • RAM (Random Access Memory) and storage are both essential but serve different purposes. RAM is like your computer’s short-term memory; it stores data your Personal Computer is currently using for quick access. Storage, often on a hard drive or SSD, is your computer’s long-term memory, where it keeps files, applications, and the operating system. In short, RAM helps your Personal Computer work fast, while storage stores your data for the long haul.

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